Library research instruction for specific community health sciences courses Basic library research instruction for community health sciences courses

Writing your research paper
Students in Applied Health Sciences and other social sciences are generally expected to follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines when writing research papers. Consult this to learn how to correctly cite footnotes in the body of your paper, and for footnotes and bibliographical references at the end of your paper.

It is very important to be consistent when writing your paper. Your professor expects to be able to quickly refer to whatever sources you used and to be able to consult these sources herself if necessary, and it helps if they are included in their proper standarized format.
Furthermore, if you are referencing material obtained from an internet source, you can easily find out how to cite these references by checking out the examples given at the site on the Library Home Page called Citing Electronic Sources. Go to the home page, choose Reference, then Essay Writing Help, then Citing Electronic Sources. Choose the APA section for examples of how to reference internet sources using APA style.

Paper requirements
Your research paper will likely require you to include an introduction and review of the literature that you consulted in the library and elsewhere for your topic, a statement of your research problem and/or hypothesis, and the methodology you used to present your problem. These sections may vary slightly depending on the course requirements but should nevertheless be implied in all your papers.

Refer to the Library Home Page under Reference for tips under Essay Writing Help.

The library also produces a library subject guide called Style Guides that is available on the main floor and points you to useful books on essay writing styles and formats.


Community health sciences develop topic
Community health sciences explore resouces
Community health sciences refine topic
Community health sciences report findings
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Library Research Instruction