Reference Questions in the subjects:

I serve on the Reference Information desk on the main floor of the library at various times during the week. As one of the reference librarians I will attempt to answer whatever questions come my way in any subject taught at Brock Univeristy. If a question is beyond my knowledge or I feel it would benefit you to do so I will refer your question on to one of the other library reference staff, if appropriate.

This includes help with:


For more specific help with questions in the subjects covered by the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, or for sociology topics, I am available to you at other times by appointment, time allowing, so do not hesitate to contact me to arrange for an appointment. Often times a simple email to me can clear up some basic questions you might have.


Research Questions in the subjects:

If you need to do some research that requires more depth than basic reference queries, and you are having some problems with your approach, problem formulation, or just need to bounce some ideas off another person, you may want to contact me. Usually best done by appointment only; when contacted I will try and spend some time with you on an individual basis. Email me to make further inquiries.


Library Research Instruction tutorials

Check out my web tutorials for subjects in the Faculty of Applied Sciences at: for good tips to do help you do quality library research. The research process is broken down into four modules: develop topic, explore topic, refine topic, and report findings.


Help with APA style

If you have some questions about the proper way to reference your essays in the style that most social science subjects require, I should be able to help you. We use the American Psychological Association's style format for all subjects taught in the faculties of Applied Health Sciences and Social Science. Consult the manual in the library (check the Brock Library Catalogue to find it in the Reference collection) and also check out the examples given on our library home page under APA site. For help on citing articles or other sources you get from databases and other web sources, take a look at Citing Electronic Sources.